Recent Lab News

11/2024 - Jose wins the STEM research poster competition at the SHPE National Conference in Anaheim, CA ($2000 reward). Congratulations!
11/2024 - Jose and Santiago are awarded at Rice’s “Take the Cake” event for their fellowship awards (GEM and NSF GRFP)
10/2024 - Madison presents at SACNAS conference in Pheonix, AR.
10/2024 - Cindy completes her last BMES as BMES president!
10/2024 - Emily, Jose, Ish, Madison, and Katie present at BMES in Baltimore, MD! Alumni Wenjun presents work from the lab as well!
10/2024 - Jose wins a conference travel award. Congratulations!
09/2024 - Keefer Boone and Jose Hernandez join the lab as incoming PhD students. Sid Dsa joins the lab as a Master’s student. Welcome!
09/2024 - Sarah is invited to give a talk at the BME Emerging Leaders Symposium at the University of Virginia.
08/2024 - Katie is invited to NextProf Nexus in Ann Arbor, MI.
07/2024 - The lab moves to Rice University! We will miss Georgii and Emily B. who have transferred to other Vanderbilt labs, and our Vanderbilt undergraduate researchers. Good luck!
06/2024 - Madison presents at the Ford Fellows Conference.
06/2024 - Chelsea Mariano successfully defends her Master’s thesis. Congratulations!
03/2024 - Lindsey Sabo successfully defends her Master’s thesis! Congratulations!
02/2024 - Wenjun Wang successfully defends her PhD! Congratulations!
01/2024 - Paul V. Taufalele successfully defends his PhD! Congratulations!
11/2023 - Raghu Vamsi Kondapaneni joins the lab as a postdoctoral researcher. Welcome!
07/2023 - Santiago Lopez joins the lab as a first year PhD student. Welcome!
07/2023 - Jenna Mosier successfully defends her PhD. Congratulations!
06/2023 - Katie, Madison, and Liz Holliday (PI: Dr. Matt Lang) are awarded VCOM (Vanderbilt Center on Mechanobiology) Collaborative Research Proposal Grants ($15,000)
06/2023 - Katie is awarded an NIH NCI F32 postdoctoral fellowship. Congratulations!
03/2023 - Madison is awarded a Ford Foundation Pre-Doctoral Fellowship and an NSF GRFP. Double congratulations!
03/2023 - Emily Berestesky receives the Vanderbilt Fall 2022 BME Teaching Assistant Award. Congratulations!