Recent Lab News
11/2024 - Jose wins the STEM research poster competition at the SHPE National Conference in Anaheim, CA ($2000 reward). Congratulations!
11/2024 - Jose and Santiago are awarded at Rice’s “Take the Cake” event for their fellowship awards (GEM and NSF GRFP)
10/2024 - Madison presents at SACNAS conference in Pheonix, AR.
10/2024 - Cindy completes her last BMES as BMES president!
10/2024 - Emily, Jose, Ish, Madison, and Katie present at BMES in Baltimore, MD! Alumni Wenjun presents work from the lab as well!
10/2024 - Jose wins a conference travel award. Congratulations!
09/2024 - Keefer Boone and Jose Hernandez join the lab as incoming PhD students. Sid Dsa joins the lab as a Master’s student. Welcome!
09/2024 - Sarah is invited to give a talk at the BME Emerging Leaders Symposium at the University of Virginia.
08/2024 - Katie is invited to NextProf Nexus in Ann Arbor, MI.
07/2024 - The lab moves to Rice University! We will miss Georgii and Emily B. who have transferred to other Vanderbilt labs, and our Vanderbilt undergraduate researchers. Good luck!
06/2024 - Madison presents at the Ford Fellows Conference.
06/2024 - Chelsea Mariano successfully defends her Master’s thesis. Congratulations!
03/2024 - Lindsey Sabo successfully defends her Master’s thesis! Congratulations!
02/2024 - Wenjun Wang successfully defends her PhD! Congratulations!
01/2024 - Paul V. Taufalele successfully defends his PhD! Congratulations!
11/2023 - Raghu Vamsi Kondapaneni joins the lab as a postdoctoral researcher. Welcome!
07/2023 - Santiago Lopez joins the lab as a first year PhD student. Welcome!
07/2023 - Jenna Mosier successfully defends her PhD. Congratulations!
06/2023 - Katie, Madison, and Liz Holliday (PI: Dr. Matt Lang) are awarded VCOM (Vanderbilt Center on Mechanobiology) Collaborative Research Proposal Grants ($15,000)
06/2023 - Katie is awarded an NIH NCI F32 postdoctoral fellowship. Congratulations!
03/2023 - Madison is awarded a Ford Foundation Pre-Doctoral Fellowship and an NSF GRFP. Double congratulations!
03/2023 - Emily Berestesky receives the Vanderbilt Fall 2022 BME Teaching Assistant Award. Congratulations!

Jose at SHPE 2024

Katie at BMES 2024

Katie and Avery at BMES 2024

Katie and Jose at BMES 2024

Sarah at UVA Emerging Leaders in BME 2024
Sarah at UVA Emerging Leaders in BME 2024

Sarah at AAEV 2024

CRK Undergrads at the Vanderbilt Undergraduate Research Fair 2024